I am a SANITARY ENGINEER. With this, I take deep pride, but without vainglory; to it I owe solemn obligations that I am eager to fulfill faithfully as I deal with clients, the general public, and my fellow engineers in the performance of my professions.

  1. I shall discharge my duties faithfully, efficiently with fairness and impartially to all for the benefit of God, my country, my fellowmen and lastly to myself.
  2. I shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession, maintain an honest reputation, broaden public knowledge and appreciation to sanitary and environmental engineering, its achievements and accomplishments.
  3. I shall oppose any false and exaggerated statement not based on facts regarding engineering achievements, nor shall express an opinion on engineering subject unless it is founded on adequate knowledge and conviction on my part.
  4. I shall act for my client or employer in a professional manner as a faithful agent or trustee and in instances wherein my judgment differs from client’s decision, I hall explain all the possible consequences.
  5. I shall accept renumeration and compensation only from my client.
  6. I shall respect the opinion and work of another engineer for the same client and shall not review the same without informing such engineer or unless the relationship of the engineer and the client has been terminated.
  7. I shall maintain friendly relationship with my fellow engineers, and shall not directly injure the business reputation or employment position of another engineer.
  8. I shall maintain fair play when competing for a job by not taking advantage of my salaried position or exerting undue influence to offer, solicit and accept compensation for the purpose of effecting negotiations for a professional engagement.
  9. I shall avoid self-laudation in advertisement and make false statements with respects to my qualifications and experience.
  10. I pledge my allegiance to the Philippine Society of Sanitary Engineers, Inc., uphold its ideals and work towards the achievement of its goals.